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Help Commands

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✅ Official Account
Staff member
Jun 20, 2021
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CreativeBuilding | Network - HelpPage

This page includes valuable information about the server. Such as commands, and command syntax.

Survival Server: (Will be updated for 1.20 reset soon)

  • /spawn (Go to server spawn)
  • /hub (Go back to the main hub/lobby)
  • /warp survival (Visit the survival warp to begin your journey
  • /ah (View the player Auction House)
  • /buy (View available packages to buy from our store)
  • /vote (Vote for our server to receive benefits)
  • /discord (URL to join our discord server)
  • /instagram (URL to visit our instagram page - We post store deals here)
  • /balance (Check your balance - Can be used to buy stuff)
  • /pay {username} {amount} (Pay a specific user a specific amount)
  • /paytoggle (Toggle whether people can pay you or not)
  • /ignore {username} (Is a player being annoying? Just run this command and their messages will no longer be shown to you)
  • /delignore {username} (If a player is no longer being annoying, just run this command and you will be able to see this user again)
  • /mcmmo help (View all MCMMO commands)
  • /warp adminshop (Visit our shop with a wide variety of necessities)
  • /warp faq (Stuck on what to do? Visit here)
  • /warp marketplace (Visit the wide variety of shops build and created by other players)
  • /warp spawn (Go to server spawn)
  • /t spawn (Visit your town's spawn)
  • /town (View your town's information)
  • /town deposit (Help fund your town so it does not get taken down)
  • /nation spawn (Visit your nation's spawn)
  • /t new {town_name} (Create a new town)
  • /t set spawncost {amount} (Set the spawn cost for other people outside your town to visit)
  • /n new {nation_name} (Create a new nation)
  • /n set spawncost {amount} (Set the spawn cost for other people outside your nation to visit)
  • /t list (List all towns in the server)
  • /t join (Join a town)
  • /t leave (Leave a town)
  • /n join (Join a nation
  • /n leave (Leave a nation)
  • /t say {Message} (Chat with only the people in your town)
  • /n say {Message} (Chat with only the people in your nation)
  • /t reslist (View all the residents in your town)
  • /n reslist (View all the residents in your nation)
  • /t ranklist (View all the players and their ranks in your town)
  • /n ranklist (View all the players and their ranks in your nation)
  • /msg {username} {message} (Message a specific user - This command can be used GLOBALLY! If you are in creative, you can chat with people in towny)
  • /r {message} (Reply to the user who recently messaged you)
  • /mail send {username} {message} (Send another user mail. - Alternative to /msg, except it can be used when the other party is offline)
  • /website (Visit our website)
  • /jobs join (Join a job to earn money -- Opens a GUI to select a certain job)
  • /jobs join {jobname} (Join a job to earn money -- DOES NOT open a GUI to select a certain job. Autofill will have a list of job selections)
  • /time (View the server time)
Thats all for Survival (For now)

Creative Server:

  • //wand (Obtain the worldedit wand)
  • /spawn (Visit the server's spawn)
  • /hub (Go to the main hub/lobby)
  • //set {blockname} (After making a selection, you can use this command to set the area to this block)
  • /discord (Join our discord server)
  • /plot home (Visit your plots)
  • /plot auto (Claim a random plot)
  • /plot visit {username} (Visit another person's plot)
  • //fill {pattern} {radius} {depth} ( Fill particular blocks around the player's feet with the cylinder's radius and bottom sphere's depth)
  • //replace {from} {to} (Replace certain blocks in an area selection without getting rid of other blocks. I.e. //replace grass_block bedrock)
  • /msg {username} {message} (Message a specific user - This command can be used GLOBALLY! If you are in creative, you can chat with people in towny)
  • //undo (Undo a change you made with worldedit)
  • //redo (Redo a change you made with worldedit)
  • /warp creative (Visit the creative plotworld)
  • /warp plots (Visit the creative plotworld)
  • /warp Help (Visit the worldedit help area)
  • /warps (View all available warps)
  • /uptime (View server uptime)
  • /playtime (View player playtime)
  • /playtimetop (View the top 10 player's playtime)
  • /buy (View our store where you can purchase many things that can benefit you)
  • /vote (Vote for our server to get benefits)
  • /plot list (List all your plots)
  • /time (View the server time)
  • /balance (View your balance)
  • /ignore {username} (Is a player being annoying? Just run this command and their messages will no longer be shown to you)
  • /delignore {username} (If a player is no longer being annoying, just run this command and you will be able to see this user again)
  • /gamemode {gamemode:survival/creative/spectator} (Only players with the rank, Master (You can purchase this rank at our store) and higher can use this command - Change your gamemode)
  • //copy (Copy a selection made by the worldedit wand)
  • //paste (Paste in a selection made by the worldedit wand)
  • /fixlava (If lava is going in every direction, instead of being smooth, run this command)
  • /fixwater (If water is going in every direction, instead of being smooth, run this command
Thats all for Creative (For now)

Skyblock Server:

  • /is help (View the CreativeBuilding skyblock help commands)
  • /is (Create/Manage Your island)
  • /warp(s) (View the available warps)
  • /is bank (View your island's bank)
  • /bal (View your balance)
  • /baltop (View server's balance)
  • /is biome (Change island biome)_
  • /spawn (Go to server spawn)
  • /hub (Go to server hub)
  • /buy (Want to support the server? Run this command to buy ranks, perks, in-game items, etc!)
  • /vote (Vote for our server to get benefits)
  • /pay {username} {amount} (Pay a specific user a specific amount)
  • /paytoggle (Toggle whether people can pay you or not)
  • /msg {username} {message} (Message a specific user - This command can be used GLOBALLY! If you are in creative, you can chat with people in towny)
  • /r {message} (Reply to the user who recently messaged you)
  • /mail send {username} {message} (Send another user mail. - Alternative to /msg, except it can be used when the other party is offline)
  • /discord (URL to join our discord server)
  • /rankup (Climb up the rank ladder to get even more perks! If you are too lazy, you can buy global ranks that carry across all servers that have even better benefits)
Thats all for skyblock (For now)

Server Status:

  • Survival Server - Daily restart @ 12:00 PM EST
  • Creative Server - Daily restart @ 12:00 PM EST
  • Skyblock Server - Daily restart @ 12:00 PM EST
  • Lobby Server - Daily restart @ 5:00 AM EST
  • Proxy Server - Daily restart @ 3:00 AM EST
*We restart our servers daily to make sure there is no performance drop. Server restarts are automated - There will be in-game warnings when a server is going to restart to make sure you can plan your game progress accordingly.

You can also view our server's status page to see all operations here: https://status.mc-creativebuilding.net

Helpful Links:

Helpful Information:

  • Server IP: play.mc-creativebuilding.net
  • Server Version: 1.19.3 (Connect with 1.8.x - 1.19.x) (Each gamemode has a recommended version)
  • Gamemodes: Survival/Towny, Creative Plots

Recommended Versions:

  • Survival: 1.19.3
  • Skyblock: 1.18.2
  • Creative: 1.19.3
  • Hub: 1.19.3
  • Proxy (Main Server): 1.8.x - 1.19.x

If you found this article helpful, please make sure to give it a positive rating.

This page has been updated for the update: Server Version - 6.32.3 Minecraft Version: 1.19.3
Last Edited: 3/23/2023 @ 8:05 PM EST
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