Maintenance Over

The maintenance on the server is over as of 12/1/2021

Server Version 1.8 - 1.18 [BETA]
You may connect to the server with:
New features will be gradually added into the server when we do tests.

As of right now, the server only has survival. We are working on releasing other gamemodes in the future, such as skyblock, creative, etc.
/vote works and prizes are given out. Vote crate keys will be given soon, but /vote will get you $250 added into your account.
Vote Sites That Currently Work: PlanetMinecraft

We will add more vote sites in the near future.

Bedrock is not setup on our server yet. Please give us a few weeks to work on this.

We now have a few pages for our website while the server has been offline.

  1. - StatusPage that will tell you about our service statuses.
  2. - Sign up for weekly newsletter emails.

In accordance with our privacy policy, we ask that you make sure you understand how we process your email information through signing up via newsletter.
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