
Server Status Changes.

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Bedrock is back!

Our bedrock servers are back, and we have updated our status pages.

Connection info is in our Discord
Like the IP and Port

Our Proxy issues have been fixed with the server turning off every few hours.
Issues were identified with the KitPvP server and we are re-configuring the server, and getting more server storage so the server doesn't lag.
Updating KitPvP from 1GB RAM -> 3GB RAM

New Announcement System!

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We have a new announcement system.
Announcements will no longer be shown on forums.

They will be listed on our homepage

We have decided to do this for user convenience, and so announcements can be directly viewed on the homepage,
instead of them being displayed on the forums. :)

Make sure to join the server!


Website is back!

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Our website is back up!
We have done some performance updates, customization & style updates and more.

Members online

No members online now.
